Referral Letters for Gender-Affirming Medical Care

Working as a gender therapist since 2004, I have a great deal of experience writing referral letters for hormones and surgery. My commitment to clients is to make that process efficient and affordable.

I am opposed to the “gatekeeper” mentality that has plagued therapy for so many years; just because you want to begin hormones or have surgery does not necessarily mean that you need ongoing therapy.

Of course, if there are other issues that you would like assistance with – such as anxiety or depression – then we can certainly discuss further therapeutic sessions or alternative resources. Regular counseling sessions are $150 per sixty-minute hour.

Your gender consultation (whether for hormones or surgery) typically takes one session and is $150. This flat rate includes both the meeting as well as all paperwork.

In my practice, I have dedicated spots for gender consultations, so typically I can see you within one week after our initial contact. Once we’ve had our meeting, I will write your referral letter and have it ready to go within 24 hours.

To set up a consult, please call or text to: 540-819-0429

You can also email me: