My name is Dreya (she/her) - Welcome!

Let’s get right to the point - IBS and SIBO suck.

But if you know what those letters stand for - and are struggling - then you’re in the right place.

Dealing with the emotional upheaval that comes with digestive distress can be exhausting, frustrating, and overwhelming.

Worrying about what to eat, how to eat, when to eat…Never knowing when your symptoms are going to flare up.

Trying desperately to figure out where your IBS or SIBO came from and then what to do about it…It’s crazy-making. Even traumatic.

Then there’s the unfairness of it all.

Having to live with an invisible chronic health condition.

One that restricts your diet. Makes it almost impossible to eat out. To be social. Feeling like your body is constantly betraying you.

All of this brings up a mix of difficult feelings.

Anxiety. Depression. Hopelessness.

Which makes digestive issues even worse. After all, the gut is the second brain. It’s sensitive to stress - which creates a vicious cycle that seems impossible to escape.

There is so much out of your control when it comes to IBS and SIBO.

The path to healing your gut is often long, with much trial and error.

But there is most definitely one thing under your control:

Your ability to manage your emotions.

If we work together, I can offer you a safe space to process your feelings.

An affirming space where you can deal with your grief. Your anger. Your sadness.

I can share with you practical tools and strategies for controling your nervous system.

So it can work for you, not against you.

We can explore both the emotional roots of your IBS or SIBO as well as the emotional impact it’s having on your life right now.

Most importantly, I can be your emotional support partner as you travel this path.

You don’t have to do this alone.


I do this work because there is someone I care about very much who suffers from SIBO. I’ve seen up close and personal the impact it has had on their life.

I also suffered from IBS for many years when I was younger. I know what it’s like to be at the mercy of my digestive system. To live in fear and uncertainty. To be angry and confused.

The work I do as a therapist is my way of giving back. Of sharing what has helped me on my own journey of healing.


I am a queer Caucasian tattooed transwoman who came out later in life. I know all about going against the tide. Suffering in silence.

Stepping into my authentic self has been both terrifying and exhilarating. But the long, winding road of my heroine’s journey has made me the healer that I am today.

I strive to make my practice as inclusive as possible. To that end, I am LGBTQIA+ affirmative, sex-positive, kink-allied and poly-friendly.

I work within a feminist, anti-racist and anti-oppressive framework and am dedicated to social justice.

I am committed to creating an affirming space for you to explore the roots of your distress. Together we’ll create a partnership, working together to achieve your goals.

My desire is for you to enjoy the quality of life that you deserve!